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Kandai gbangba tọn lẹpo

Kọndopọ kandai he tin lẹpo tọn na Wikiquote ehe. A sọgan dè nuhe din a te pò eyin a dè kandai wunmẹwunmẹ he jlo we, tẹnmẹyinkọ lọ (doayi wekun he azan lẹ go) kavi weda he go e yinuwa do lẹ (doayi wekun he azan lẹ go tofi ga).

Kandai lẹ

Nuhe din a te lẹ ma tin to kandai ehe mẹ.

discussiontools (ohia whiwhla)
discussiontools-added-comment (ohia whiwhla)
discussiontools-source (ohia whiwhla)
discussiontools-source-enhanced (ohia whiwhla)
discussiontools-visual (ohia whiwhla)
Hosọ yọyọ
Ko yin tẹndiọna
Manual revert
Na gblọndo
Visual edit
Visual edit: Switched
Vivọ anandena yọyọ
Vọjlado alokan ji tọn
Vọjlado intẹnẹt alokan ji tọn
wikieditor (ohia whiwhla)