Drew Barrymore
Drew Blythe Barrymore (he yin jiji to azán ko-nukunawetọ Afínplọsun 1975) yin aihundatọ podo aihunbasitọ Amẹlikanu tọn de po.
Hoyidọ delẹ sọn hodidọ etọn lẹ mẹ
[jlado | jla asisado]- N'ma nọ du olàn, whevi kavi anọ́sin mimlin, ṣigba n'yiwanna hànlan he ma yin hànlan jọ hànlan. Nududu he yọn hugan lẹ.
- "'Veg' craze hits Hollywood", SundayTimes.lk (30 Zósun 2001).
- Be n'nọ tindo ojlo zogbe tọn na yọnnu lẹ wẹ ya? Mọwe, n'wamọ. N'nọ tindo kọndopọ zanhẹmẹ tọn hẹ sunnu kavi yọnnu. N'yiwanna agbasa yọnnu tọn. N'lẹndọ kondopo to yọnnu po yọnnu ṣẹnṣẹn yọnwhanpẹ, kẹdedile kondopo to sunnu po yọnnu po ṣẹnṣẹn yọnwhanpẹ do. Pọninọ po yọnnu po taidi dogbapinpọnna agbasa mẹdetiti tọn go, ṣigba gbọn mẹdevo dali.
- "Drew Barrymore: 'I Am Bisexual'", ContactMusic.com (16 Liyasun 2003).